Are you running your business or is your business running you?

The perfect blend of dreaming big, strategic action, and intuitive consulting to help you get clear on the direction your business is heading.


When You Have Clarity, it’s Straight up Magic

When your business vision becomes crystal clear, everything else falls into place. 

As a multi-dimensional business owner, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture.

These sessions reign you back in and remind you why you started your business in the first place.

We will hone in on your intuition and awaken your sacred feminine power.

We will ground into your vision and let everything else fall away.

It’s the perfect fusion of consulting, strategy, and DEEP SOUL WORK so that you can get clarity on what to do next in your business.

what to expct

Getting started

Let’s meet up to talk about your vision for your small biz.


I’ll send you a thought-provoking worksheet to fill out.

Your answers will give me an overview of where you’re at, where you want to be, and what you need to get there.

The process of answering the questions will also likely give you some aha moments.

I’ll review your answers and write down on my thoughts and ideas.

Your time commitment: 2-3 hours.


Our session will start with a few minutes of silence to drop into the wisdom of your body BEFORE taking action.

We can chat about road blocks, mental blocks, and CONCRETE next steps to keep the wheels turning.

I promise that through this process we will uncover A LOT. 

Your time commitment: 2 hours.


I'll send you a final copy of your one page vision; a simple and powerful guide for your business.

The plan serves as a decision-making guide, providing a framework for evaluating choices against your core values and mission.

You will also receive a detailed list of suggestions, resources and next steps.

Once we’ve completed this initial session, my monthly + drop in consulting offerings will be available to you.

You CAN create a business rooted in collaboration and reciprocity: A business that gives back to your community and to YOURSELF. 

Meetings are done in person at Wildish in downtown Lake Oswego, Oregon or via video chat (in person highly recommended!).

Do you want to reconnect to your unique magic?

small biz owner






is this you?











Believer in magic


Entrepreneurs are a Creative Bunch

We’re FULL of ideas and are always coming up with new ways to solve problems.

But all of those great ideas could actually be slowing you down.

Despite what the celebrity influencers tell you, constantly launching new projects and offerings will keep you spinning your wheels, and will put your business into an endless feast or famine cycle.

It’s a fast track to burn out.

The Secret to Business Success is Doing Less… But with Intention

I’m glad you’re here


I’m Becky. I’m here to tell you that you CAN create success on your terms, prioritize your well-being and break free from the toxic culture.

The Path of Feminine Power is Realizing the Patriarchal Conditioning & Choosing to Live Your Life From Your Own Truth.