networking for witches


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the antidote to hustle

Our modern business world was not built from the lens of the feminine. It was built from a hyper-masculine perspective

…which has led to today’s burned-out hustle culture. 

The feminine principles of COLLABORATION, RECIPROCITY and honoring INTUITION were not built into the framework.

sympathetic dominance symptoms

Does this Resonate?

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started business

You started your own business to share your powerful message while also prioritizing your life. 

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It has become all-consuming (at the expense of your health, well-being, sleep, finances, family...)  

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lost focus

You’ve lost focus of your priorities, and your motivation and drive are dwindling. 

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burned out

You’re burned out, in debt, and on the verge of calling it quits.




First Fridays in Portland OR


Herbal Happy hour


Third Thursdays in Lake Oswego OR


The More Women we Have in Positions of Power, Making Financial Decisions & Leading From the Sacred Feminine, the More the World can Heal.

small biz owner






is this you?











Believer in magic


What to expect

The focus of local gatherings is connection.

Once per month, we gather together in circle.

At the beginning of every circle, we start with a guided meditation. (So that we drop into the wisdom of our bodies before taking action.)

Each circle includes time for connection and networking.

Each of these meetings will be a deep dive into an area of your business where you are desiring meaningful change. 

The focus of local gatherings is connection.



Ritual is a fusion of a mastermind group and a sisterhood circle with some business education sprinkled in. We build from a feminine business model, which values CYCLES of expansion and contraction, and allows for time to calibrate our bodies before doing.

Together,  we can create a SEASONAL business rooted in collaboration and reciprocity: A business that gives back to our communities, to nature, and to OURSELVES.

By blending feminine flow with masculine and strategic doing, we can achieve MAGIC. 

Sliding Scale Pricing

Ritual is a fusion of a mastermind group and a sisterhood circle with some business education
By blending feminine flow with masculine and strategic doing, we can achieve MAGIC. 

seasonal business

Nature has four seasons, your business can too. 

Ritual is a networking group based on the wheel of the year. 

Spring: Plant seeds and intentions for new growth

Summer: Collaborate and celebrate with your community.

Fall: Prepare and plan for the future. 

Winter: Recalibrate, reflect, DREAM and renew.

Ritual is a networking group based on the wheel of the year. 

sliding scale pricing

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solidarity discount


For marginalized people and those with financial need.

Discount codes:

25 = 25% discount

50 = 50% discount

75 = 75% discount

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standard price


This is the suggested price for this offering.

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When you can afford to pay more and do so, it makes it possible to offer discounts to those in need.

things to consider when

choosing your price

In addition to your financial situation, please consider identity-based privilege, earning potential, and access to financial support from your community.

I offer discounts to make my offerings accessible, not because I don’t need the money. I ask that you choose the lower price only if you truly need it and not because of social conditioning around capitalism.

If cost is still prohibitive, reach out and suggest an alternative— i’ll likely say yes!

two hands holding up peace signs

If you’re craving a community of like minded business BFFs, then this is for you.