Feeling stressed?

Most of us are running on fumes. 

Stress has the majority of us hovering somewhere between surviving and on the verge of a complete nervous breakdown, and stress hormones wreck havoc on the body. Sleep is disrupted, you can’t think straight, mood is up and down, everything is a reaction, breathing is shallow, heartbeat is erratic, muscle tension and headaches happen daily.

There’s no joy. 

If you dig deep enough, you’ll realize that the root cause of most stress is our conditioning. Unconscious patterns and toxic beliefs dominate our thoughts. 

We’ve all been conditioned to feel inadequate: 

To judge ourselves. 

To seek external approval. 

To equate self worth with productivity. 

To strive for perfection. 

Busy has become a badge of honor, and rest is considered indulgent and selfish.

Every day, we are bombarded with hundreds of images of what we “should” want. 

We have all been brainwashed into patriarchy, and we mindlessly pass it on from generation to generation.

It has led to a habitual state of stress that is so ingrained, it quite literally settles into our bodies. 

Stress doesn’t come from what’s going on in your life: Stress comes from your perception of what’s going on. 

If you’re feeling frustrated by what an uphill battle it is to get well, know that you are not alone

To heal, we must de-program from the cultural brainwashing around toxic productivity, hustle culture and Pinterest perfection. 

It’s possible to break the cycle. 

Change begins with each of us learning to love ourselves unapologetically. Filling our own cups first. Making rest sacred. Embracing our wild dreams and taking radical responsibility for our experience on earth. 

When you love yourself enough to heal, that energy spills out of you like a gushing waterfall, and you will want the same for everyone around you.

We have the power to create a future where we all flourish.


Your 9-5 is Someone Else’s Passive Income.


Endings are part of the cycle