Your 9-5 is Someone Else’s Passive Income.
I'm so angry about the cost of living.
I'm so angry about the cost of groceries.
I’m so angry that for humans to have our most basic needs met, we need to work and work. It’s such a vicious cycle.
It’s exhausting.
From a very young age, we are taught how to be good workers. How to follow the rules. How to stand in line and be quiet and wait to be called on.
Most of us were never taught how to be critical thinkers. Or how to listen to our bodies.
We are trained to sit quietly. To rest, talk, eat, drink and go to the bathroom only when we're told. To ignore our bodies.
We're conditioned to work hard all the time. To get good grades. To go to college. To get a good job so that we can buy lots of things that will make us happy.
And while just a generation ago, it was assumed that if you had a job, you could get health insurance, weekends off, a retirement fund and a mortgage, that’s not the case anymore.
The large majority of us work MORE THAN 40 hours/ week to pay someone else’s mortgage. To fund the CEO’s investment funds and 401K. To pay for management’s PTO and healthcare.
Our society is set up so that the worker bees burn themselves out to support someone else’s vision.
And then we are told that we are overwhelmed, stressed out, sick, depressed and anxious of our own accord. It's due to our lack of self care. Or it's a chemical imbalance. (Oh- and BTW there's a pill for that… )
IMHO, if you're NOT feeling the weight of it all, then you're not awake.
Capitalism is draining us. Patriarchy is draining us.
According to capitalism, there are no limits. The world is our oyster.
Except it’s not.
Our bodies have limits.
Nature has limits.
Are these the kinds of things that you think about too? Is the state of the planet keeping you up at night? Do you want to talk about it? Do you want to DO SOMETHING about it?