Postcard from my summer vacation

I love early morning before anyone else is awake: The unlimited possibilities of a new day serve as a gentle reminder of our own human potential. The quiet stillness of morning is a healing balm for the soul. 


I love watching the sun peeking over the horizon, like a turtle emerging from his shell. 


I love waking to the sounds of birds chirping and chattering. The gentle rustle of birch leaves in the summer breeze. The mirror image of cedar trees on a glassy lake.


I love strong, hot coffee with a generous splash of cream. 


I love day three of vacation when my head finally stops spinning. When emails and schedules and to-do-lists and that sinking feeling that there's something I'm forgetting can FINALLY take a back seat to sleep, card games, shared meals and empty space. 


I love the belly laughs from my teenagers when they are immersed in play. Those moments when the monotony of school and the pressures of adolescence are a lifetime away, and childhood is given a tiny little window through which to re-emerge.


I love cool lakes with muddy bottoms that engulf my bare toes. The hypnotic swish-swish-swish of kayak paddles. The pure bliss of children splashing and engaging fully with life. 


I love hugs that linger. Not the quick hugs that are given in passing, but the embraces that are heart-to-heart and pupil-to-pupil. Hugs that remind me that I BELONG SIMPLY BECAUSE I AM ALIVE.


I love juicy watermelon on a hot day. The kind that drips down your chin and leaves fingers sticky. 


I love getting lost in a good novel. Not a book intended to help me become better at my job or to teach me to evolve as a human, but an uncomplicated tale of young romance or aging friendship: I adore getting to know and cheering for the protagonist as they move through their hero's journey. 


I love rose buds, tightly wound -- waiting for just the right moment to burst open. Peonies in all their glory. Bright yellow St. John's Wort proudly growing road side--  the epitome of summertime. 


I love the sounds of a hot sauna: The crackling fire. The eruption of water transforming to steam on hot rocks.  


I love the contented snores from my dog after a day spent basking in sunshine and nature.


I love the soft whimpers of exhausted babies, worn out from fresh air, and longing to be held and rocked to sleep in the safety of mama’s arms.


I love s'mores cooked over red hot coals of a smoldering campfire. The never ending and unspoken face off for the perfect marshmallow: Bubbling, brown and crisp on the outside and hot and oozing on the inside. 


I love being so tired at the end of the day that I fall into a deep dream the moment my head hits the pillow.   


How are you, love? Are you slowing down enough to notice the MAGIC all around you? 


The messy middle & transitioning to fall

