
Many times in my life,   

I have fallen into a slump. Tired. Mentally foggy. Disconnected from my body, from creativity, from the miracles that are surrounding us at every moment. 


Maybe you have been there too? 


And yet, to reconnect, all it takes is the decision to begin again. 


Make a new checklist. Write a few words. Lace up the sneakers. Unroll the yoga mat that's been collecting dust in the closet. Organize one drawer. Send the email. Take a baby step. 


Begin again.


marks the half way point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. 


Also known as May Day, it is celebration of nature's FERTILITY and (re)BIRTH.


It is a time of NEW BEGINNINGS. Of starting over. Of renewal. 


Nature is telling us that it is time to lace up the sneakers. To dust off the yoga mat. To muster up the courage to begin again. 


Nature is a never-ending cycle of beginnings and endings. Spring. Summer. Winter. Fall. Repeat. 


And, despite our human longings to grasp onto people, things, routines, familiarity...  life is also a never-ending cycle of beginnings and endings. 


In folklore, Beltane is when the MASCULINE sun would cover the FEMININE earth and life would be renewed.  


Beltane translates to 'fire," and was traditionally celebrated with bonfires and dancing that began on the eve of April 30th and continued through the night into May 1st. 


It was a time of gathering and feasting. 


Beltane, at its core, is a fire festival and the element of fire is all about passion in every sense.


As a culture, we have no doubt lost our connection to the cyclical rhythms of the land, and yet- all around me, I'm seeing people BURSTING with the fiery, passionate energy that early summer brings. 


Our BODIES and our SOULS have not forgotten how to attune to nature. 


Working with the energy of Beltane can help you to bring in more PASSION and hunger for life into your world.


  • Have a small gathering around a bonfire to connect with the element of fire.

  • Light candles.

  • Burn incense while spring cleaning around your home or workspace.

  • Soak up some sun rays.

  • Make time to do something you feel passionate about


Don’t disregard the simplicity of lighting a candle, as energy follows intention!


Whatever you are starting, whether it's a creative project, business venture, or a renewed focus on family, health, or anything else, I am wishing you the greatest and deepest success.

Read on the blog: Cyclical Living.


Postcard from my summer vacation


Your 9-5 is Someone Else’s Passive Income.