Becky Higginson, DC

TMJ treatment in portland, OR with becky higginson, dc

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Jaw + Neck treatment


…for those who are craving a ritual for RELIEF and LETTING GO.

Sessions are a combination of physical and energetic bodywork, and incorporate buccal massage (internal and external TMJ), GENTLE upper cervical adjustments (no pops!), Craniosacral therapy and sound healing.

What to Expect:

After a brief intake and exam, a typical session will begin with you lying face up on a heated massage table. These sessions consists of gentle bodywork designed to restore balance to the jaw, neck and nervous system. These sessions can be helpful for overwhelm, stress, jaw pain/ clicking and headaches.

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Root cause

Lifestyle medicine

Lifestyle medicine centers on adequate rest and recovery, daily movement, time in nature, stress management, social connection, a whole-foods diet, herbs to support wellness and living in tune with the seasons to promote health and PREVENT disease.

Doesn’t it sound lovely?

holistic medicine for female entrepreneurs
Lifestyle medicine centers on adequate rest and recovery
  • Kind words

    “I had never gotten body work like this before and can say after just one session, I will be back.”

  • Kind words

    “I have been seeing Becky on and off for years. She's gentle and attentive and works wonders.”

based in NE portland, oregon

Within Dynamic Acupuncture at

1829 NE Alberta St. Suite A
Portland, OR 97211

Let’s work together to get the root cause of the symptoms that are showing up in your body.

Sliding Scale Pricing.

I do NOT accept tips.

30-minute session: $60-$90

things to consider when

choosing your price

In addition to your financial situation, please consider identity-based privilege, earning potential, and access to financial support from your community.

I offer discounts to make my offerings accessible, not because I don’t need the money. I ask that you choose the lower price only if you truly need it and not because of social conditioning around capitalism.

two hands holding up peace signs

Areas of focus

Nervous system dysregulation. Chronic stress. Sympathetic dominance. TMJ dysfunction, headaches.