Embracing Darkness

The clocks have “fallen back,” and we're heading into the darkest part of the year. The time of year when the sun sets impossibly early and, when it's up, it's often hidden behind dense clouds. 

The time of year when our ancestors slowed down and rested and refueled. 

I crave this slowing down, and also, I am finding myself not quite knowing what to do with the exorbitantly long stretches of darkness. 

Of course there are ALWAYS things to fill the time: kids to be shuttled to various sports practices, meals to be made, laundry to be washed, emails to reply to, work responsibilities, the never-ending emotional load of being a woman in a patriarchal society (ya feel me?)

Yet when I step outside of the busy-ness and mindless scrolling, I can't help but realize that somewhere along the way, our culture disconnected from our internal rhythms.

After decades of running and hustling and living a very distracted life, I'm constantly having to remind myself to LISTEN to my body. To allow for ebb and flow. To create space for the things that TRULY fill me up. 

It’s a constant practice of getting swept up in the hustle culture and then reeling myself back into the present moment. 

And so, this season I'm leaning into the dark, quiet energy of November. -- I'm choosing to notice, to listen, to slow down, and in doing so, my nervous system is starting to UNWIND 🖤 

It's a very SLOW unwind-- like the unwieldy loosening of a rusty screw that has oxidized over many years, but it's an unwind nonetheless.


Can you relate? If this resonates, let’s collaborate! Hit me up here.


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