What to do with your worries

I recently saw a meme that said “Fold your worries into paper planes and turn them into flying fucks,” and it resonated.

So far, July has been very much about pausing and observing. I've been reading books. Listening to music. Going on walks. Watching birds. Crafting new herbal elixirs. Eating blueberries right off the bush and drinking way too many iced Americanos. Oh- and making this ginger-mango-berry smoothie pretty much daily.


I'm also slowly cleaning out my house— digging deep into closets and getting rid of whatever isn't beautiful, useful or joy-evoking. (Thank you Marie Kondo).


Ultimately, I've been scratching a deep itch to simplify everything around me.

My birthday is in July.

Last year on my birthday, I wrote in my journal “I will not spend one more year doing the same shit.” I proceeded to sell my business and make a plan for exiting the over culture. A plan that is still slowly unfolding.

This year on my birthday, I ate chocolate cheesecake and sat in the sun. 


The past few months have been a contradiction of honoring my desire for slowness while living in a world that values productivity and hustle above all else. 


So that's where I am today — Holding contradictions. Feeling a bit like a fish swimming against the current, and continuing to fold my worries into paper planes.

You too? If this resonates, let’s collaborate! Hit me up here.


Don’t be an NPC