The real secret to more joy
With my recent move, I’ve decided to stop collecting things. I've grown adverse to clutter and I don't want to weigh myself down.
[Side note: books & plants don't count.]
When I moved to Portland 20 years ago, I fit everything I owned into my beat up Jeep Cherokee.
My most recent move consisted of two weeks of daily drop offs, endless Goodwill runs and a packed-to-the-brim moving truck. It was exhausting. Five months later, half of the stuff is still in boxes.
Minimalism has been my muse from afar ever since I watched the documentary Minimalism years ago. It's about two friends who embark on a cross-country journey to spread their message of living with less. It interweaves their personal stories of transformation from stressed-out corporate executives to minimalism evangelists.
More isn't always better. Sometimes it's just more.
For me, the underlying message of minimalism is this: Letting go of what doesn't bring you joy creates space for what does.
On an energetic level, minimalism is doing LESS, but with INTENTION. It requires an awareness of what DOES bring you joy and putting your attention there. It requires having a clear vision of where you're going and a map to get there.
Because without a plan, we're reacting.
Strategy needs to be aligned with a destination.
Which means you need to pick a destination first.
It’s like looking at a map.
You see all the roads and potential destinations, but…
If you haven’t chosen a destination you have no clue whether to turn right or left.
If you’re a business owner juggling way too many moving pieces (and dropping some along the way) let’s talk. I can help you create your map.