
Brianna Wiest defines uprooting as being in a cycle of constant beginning.

Uprooting is always starting a new chapter, but never really establishing yourself within in. Despite your compulsion to keep moving forward, you end up feeling more stuck than ever.
— Brianna Wiest

In uprooting, you never allow yourself to fully blossom: You're only comfortable sprouting.  


In business, this can look like constantly creating new offers, falling prey to “shiny object syndrome," and saying yes to every opportunity that presents itself. 


It can be always seeking out new clients or customers rather than nurturing the ones you already have. 


It can be be tweaking your website over and over again, but never actually hitting publish. 


Despite what the celebrity influencers tell you, constantly launching new products and offerings will keep you spinning your wheels, and will put your business into an endless feast or famine cycle. It’s a fast track to burn out. 


Ultimately, it's not sustainable.


Uprooting is a partially a result of having too many opportunities and choices. But even more often often, uprooting stems from not knowing your end game. 


Our culture tells us to “Jump before you're ready” and to “Just do it.” And, because of this, we often don't think things through before diving in. We start new endeavors without having clarity on where we're going. (Because I have teenagers, trust me when I say this generally doesn't work on out well) 


It's like hopping in the car for a road trip without a destination in mind: Super fun and FREEING for awhile, but eventually you start to crave a familiar bed to sleep in. 


Our nervous systems are hard wired for predictability. When our sense of routine and security is disrupted, our brains go into a heightened state of hypervigilance and anxiety.


When running a business rooted in the feminine, we need to drop into the wisdom of our bodies BEFORE taking action. 


Most super successful businesses start off doing ONE THING and they rinse-and-repeat until it's perfected. 


For multi-passionate people with lots of ideas (hi!🙋‍♀️ … I know I'm not alone: ADHD: The Entrepreneur's Superpower.), this might sound boring, but boring and predictable is what the nervous system thrives on. 


What comes up for you as you read this? As a multi-passionate person, does UPROOTING resonate with you? Do you have crystal clear goal of the end game in your business? 


Read on the blog: The Key to a Sustainable Business. 


The real secret to more joy


Running a business without social media