
The past few years have been so heavy. 

A global-wide shut down. Buried racism. Horrible wars. Genocide. Greed.

Not to mention that a dozen eggs now costs $10 and the average family will never be able to buy a home.

I feel like I’ve aged 10 years in the past three.

My hair is grayer and my bones feel heavier.

I definitely have less f*@ks to give.

Our world is very sick. It’s incredibly overwhelming and, at times, it’s a struggle to not let it consume me. Can you relate? 

Lately, I have been learning to sit with discomfort and listen the wisdom it shares.

Resting. Being. These aren't normally respected in our fast-paced world, but they are valuable nonetheless.

For me, the past few months have been a time of letting go, honoring my needs, befriending discomfort and questioning everything.

What has come into the light is the IMPERMANENCE of things.

Nothing lasts forever.

Darkness is ALWAYS met with sunrise.

Over the past few weeks, I baked cookies. I wrapped presents. I watched holiday movies. I went for walks in the rain. I read books and wrote in my journal. I shared delicious meals and stories and laughter. On Christmas, I sat in front of the tree in the wee hours of the morning and marveled at the beauty of it all.

It’s all temporary: The good. The bad. The highs. The lows. The mundane.

It’s fleeting. So close your eyes and take it all in.


Speed bumps and gratitude


Embracing Change