Embracing Change

Leaves are changing.

Temperatures are dropping.

And I had my first “pumpkin spice” sighting the other day--- It was on an A-frame outside of a coffee shop, and I couldn’t help but smile. ⁠
Fall has always been my favorite time of year. Something about the crispness in the air and the chilly nights is so welcoming to my introverted soul. ⁠⁣⁣⁣
I grew up in the Midwest, where going on drives to see the “fall colors” (AKA the changing leaves) was a right of passage.

Every fall, my family would drive around and hike through in the woods; taking in the burnt orange and maroon beauty that had swallowed up the green summer leaves, with a thermos of steaming hot chocolate as our reward.

Fall is not about letting go. It is about ALLOWING the world to move forward in a continual progression–and learning to accept the way that our lives constantly move forward and change.

Fall is an important transitional time from the hot, yang days of summer to the cooler, yin days of winter. Everything in nature starts to retreat and slow down.

The energy of fall is inward focused– it is the ideal time of year to work on embracing feminine energy.

Regardless of gender, we are all a combination of feminine and masculine energies.

Moon and Sun.

Yin and Yang.

Masculine energy is about DOING.

Feminine energy is about BEING.

Masculine energy is about taking action, setting goals and getting sh** done.

Feminine energy is softer, more nurturing, and embraces the senses.

Masculine and feminine energy compliment one another, and they are both appropriate in different situations and different phases of life.

Fall is an ideal time to embrace contemplative practices, radical self care, deep self love and restorative REST.

…Think curling up on the couch with hot tea, a fuzzy blanket and a really good book.

(Note: While the above sounds dreamy, in reality I have three tweens and a pug, so my couch looks more like this).

Tuning into seasonal cues is an art that has been disregarded by our busy culture.

We need to change that.


What do you need to let die so that you can fully live?

