What is HTMA Testing?

Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) is a screening test for over 20 minerals and toxic metals in your hair.

The balance of minerals in your hair can tell you about your adrenal and thyroid function, metabolic type, stress patterns, immune system function, and more. Hair analysis can help determine which vitamins and minerals you need to rebalance your body chemistry and restore energy.

Hair analysis is unlike other tests because it provides insight at the cellular level, which is where most chemical reactions occur. This is why hair analysis often reveals significant imbalances even when blood tests are “normal.”


Minerals are the body’s “spark plugs,” and are necessary for EVERY SINGLE cellular reaction in the body. 

Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are a few of the minerals our bodies need to maintain energy levels, keep the nervous system functioning properly, and convert food into energy.

When minerals out of whack—or depleted by stress, toxins and heavy metals—we pay the price, often in the form of CHRONIC ILLNESS or autoimmune disease.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a non-invasive test that involves analyzing a small sample of hair to evaluate the mineral content within your body.



Stress: Stress depletes mineral and nutrient reserves.

Diet: The standard American diet (SAD) lacks essential nutrients and vitamins.

Depleted soil: Even if you’re eating all the right foods, modern farming practices, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides contribute to a nutritionally depleted food supply.

Toxic metals, chemicals and hormone disruptors: Toxic metals and chemicals can be found in food, water, air, and in everyday products like cosmetics and household cleaners. Toxins deplete your body of vitamins and minerals required for detoxification and tissue repair.

Lifestyle habits: Lack of sleep, not enough exercise (or too much), poor diet, and medications all contribute to mineral imbalances in the body.


how does HTMA work?

A small sample of hair is collected from the scalp and sent to a specialized laboratory for in depth analysis.

HTMA results provide insights into your mineral status, revealing potential deficiencies or imbalances.

Interpreting HTMA results requires expertise, as well as an understanding of the symptoms that are showing up in your body.

Combining test results with a comprehensive intake yields valuable information.

Consider incorporating HTMA into your health journey to optimize overall health and get a better understanding of your unique physiology.


Rewriting the American dream


Mineral Balancing