Mineral Balancing

When a plant isn’t thriving, any gardener worth her salt will go straight to the soil. She won’t delve too far into the leaves or flowers because she knows that the visible symptoms are simply a consequence of what is happening below the surface.


Humans are really just walking + talking plants.  


I have been listening to women’s stories for the past 17 years, and I have seen over AND OVER again how the health care system fails us. 


So many women are waking up daily with FATIGUE, brain fog, gut issues, anxiety, headaches, BURNOUT and hormone imbalances. We’re being told this is normal and that we simply need anti-depressants and artificial hormones to make it through the day.

These symptoms, while COMMON, aren’t NORMAL. They are giving us a glimpse into our body’s ecology. 


The tiredness, the bloating, the skin issues and mood swings are all signs of a deeper issue: They’re the body’s way of communicating.


Minerals are the body’s “spark plugs,” and are necessary for EVERY SINGLE cellular reaction in the body. 


Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are a few of the minerals our bodies need to maintain energy levels, keep the nerves and muscles functioning properly, and convert food into energy.


When minerals out of whack—or depleted by stress, toxins and heavy metals—we pay the price, often in the form of CHRONIC ILLNESS or autoimmune disease.

You can trace every sickness, every disease, every ailment to a mineral deficiency.
— Linus Pauling


is a ROOT CAUSE approach to wellness that involves a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), supplementing with minerals and herbs, detoxification procedures, nutrition, lifestyle medicine and stress reduction.

Are you curious about working together to get to the root cause of the symptoms that are showing up in your body? 👇👇

Start Here.


What is HTMA Testing?


On Death & dying